Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Knitted Doilies

Have you ever come across a gorgeous doily that was knitted and wished you knew how to convert the knit to crochet?  I came across this doily the other day on Pinterest and just loved it!  Wouldn't it be a "knockout" in crochet!



  1. That IS pretty. I am a knitter too, and often see knit doilies but I just can't wrap my brain around that. Doilies should be crochet. That's what Grandma taught me and that's what I do! Ha!

  2. I knit and crochet, so to me, either is acceptable for a doily. I have knitted a few doilies and I enjoy the process, but honestly, the crochet ones go a lot faster. You can't create a pineapple in knitting like you can in crochet, and I love those pineapples! Knit only has purl and knit stitches which do not give you height like the dc, or tr that you can achieve in crochet. You can do short rows but seriously, that is way more work than it's worth. If you want to send me the link to the doily, I can look at it and see if I can translate it for you into crochet from knit. :) Wishing you a lovely day.
