Wednesday, April 24, 2019

"Winter" doily

Another doily design by Olga Mattheis called "Winter".  I used Artiste #10 thread in the color "porcelain" and a #4/2.00mm hook.  It measures 17 inches.  I love Olga's patterns!  Again the pattern can be purchased off her Ravelry site.

I'm so far behind in posting finished items, so I'm trying to post more often until I get them all displayed.  Hope you don't get bored with me!  

A little sore this morning from the yard work yesterday, but I'm up and moving.  Not seeing the sun so much this morning; I believe it's going to be a cloudy day.  I need to be back out in the yard today, but most handle other things on the calendar.

Thanks for stopping by!

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